Ян Вермеер "Девушка с жемчужной сережкой", около 1665-1667 гг.
В США открылась маштабная выставка голландских художников. Рембрандта, Франса Хальса, Яна Стена и другие предстали перед американскими зрителями в музее де Янг в Сан-Франциско. Не упустите шанса попасть на выставку с 26 января по 2 июня. Кроме этого ценители искусства смогут увидеть большую коллекцию офортов.
Главной жемчужиной выставки, несомненно, стала работа Яна Вермера "Девушка с жемчужной сережкой" которая является шедевром изобразительного искусства.
Ян Стен "Веселье в семье художника", 1668-1670
Абрахам ван Бейерен "Натюрморт", около 1655
Аннотация к выставки от музея де Янг:
The de Young will be the first venue in the American tour of paintings from the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague. This jewel box of a museum, housing one of the world's most prestigious collections of Dutch Golden Age paintings, has not lent a large body of works from its holdings in nearly 30 years. An extensive two-year renovation makes this extraordinary opportunity possible.
The exhibition features 35 paintings representing the range of subject matter and technique characteristic of 17th-century painting in the Dutch Republic. Among the works traveling to the United States is the Mauritshius' celebrated masterpiece Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer and the enchanting The Goldfinch by Carel Fabritius. The painting Vase of Flowers by the gifted Rachel Ruysch, one of the few female painters of the Dutch Golden Age, is being restored especially for the American tour.
The exhibition features 35 paintings representing the range of subject matter and technique characteristic of 17th-century painting in the Dutch Republic. Among the works traveling to the United States is the Mauritshius' celebrated masterpiece Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer and the enchanting The Goldfinch by Carel Fabritius. The painting Vase of Flowers by the gifted Rachel Ruysch, one of the few female painters of the Dutch Golden Age, is being restored especially for the American tour.
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